Aging, body image and identity 1998

SND-ID: snd0818-1. Version: 1.2. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Lars Tornstam - Uppsala University, Department of Sociology

Peter Öberg - Uppsala University, Department of Sociology

Research principal

Uppsala University - Department of Sociology rorId


The purpose of this project is to study the relationship between people's own body-associations and identity-conceptions in an extensive survey of individuals between 20 and 85 years of age. Among others; it intend to scrutinize the extent to which people themselves are experiencing their own bodies, in the negative, way that theories of social gerontology and the ideals of popular culture propose and to identify the categories of individuals who might do so.

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


Swedish population aged 20-85 years

Time Method

Time period(s) investigated

1998-01-01 – 1998-12-31



Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1998-01-01 – 1998-12-31
  • Source of the data: Population group
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Sociology

Topic and keywords

Research area

Elderly (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Sociology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

General health and well-being (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Diet and nutrition (CESSDA Topic Classification)


Sort by name | Sort by year

Öberg, P. (2005) Att åldras på 2000-talet : om åldrandet, kroppen och självbilden. In Äldres livsvillkor och behov. Rapport från Socialtjänstforums konferens.

Öberg, P. (2003) Images versus experiences of the ageing body. In C. Faircloth (ed.) Aging Bodieds: Meanings and Perspectives (pp. 103-139). Walnut Creek, California: Alta Mira Press.

Öberg, P., & Tornstam, L. (2003) Attitudes Toward Embodied Old Age Among Swedes. Intl. Journal of Aging and Human Development 56(2):133-153.

Öberg, P., & Tornstam, L. (1999) Body images among men and women of different ages. Aging and Society 19:629-644.

Öberg, P. (2005) Den åldrande kroppen. Samhälleliga bilder och äldres egna erfarenheter. In E. Jeppsson Grassman & L.-C. Hydén (eds.) Kropp, livslopp och åldrande. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Öberg, P., & Tornstam, L. (2001) Youthfulness and Fitness - Identity Ideals for All Ages? Journal of Aging and Identity 6(1):15-29.

If you have published anything based on these data, please notify us with a reference to your publication(s). If you are responsible for the catalogue entry, you can update the metadata/data description in DORIS.


Version 1.2. 2010-08-27

Version 1.2: 2010-08-27


Version 1.1. 2009-09-21

Version 1.1: 2009-09-21


Version 1.0. 2005-09-15

Version 1.0: 2005-09-15


Published: 2010-08-27
Last updated: 2021-04-21