KNOWeSCAPE creates new interactive knowledge maps

Published: 2013-06-12
SND is engaged in a new European cooperation called KNOWeSCAPE. The project aims to create interactive knowledge maps to facilitate the analysis of large knowledge spaces and systems that organize and order them. The focus of the collaboration is to develop new principles and methods of data representation, processing, and archiving. On KNOWeSCAPE’s website, there are several examples of existing knowledge maps from different areas.

KNOWeSCAPE is a so-called COST Action, which means that the participating universities and data archives pay all costs except travel expenses, which are paid by the EU. The participants represent 23 countries, but the cooperation is expected to grow during the four years of activities and will ultimately cover 28 countries. Swedish representatives in the KNOWeSCAPE are SND director Hans Jørgen Marker ( and Professor Martin Rosvall ( at the Department of Physics at Umeå University. Researchers wishing to participate in the project’s working groups can contact any of these two to express their interest.