Young Cultural Policy Researchers’ Forum


Aimed at providing young/early career cultural policy researchers with the opportunity to meet fellow researchers, share their experiences and analyse topical research issues regarding content and  methodology, the YCPR Forum will bring together in London from 11-12 September 2012 researchers, students, academics and cultural policy experts in the cultural field drawn from a wide range of countries in Europe and beyond.

This initiative in Europe, organised in 2012 in close partnership with Goldsmiths, University of London, aims to promote and stimulate trans-border exchanges among young/early career cultural policy researchers and contribute on a long term basis to the development of a strong network of European researchers on cultural policy. From among the applicants, 40 researchers across Europe and beyond will be selected to participate in the YCPR Forum, share their knowledge and network with their fellow researchers on relevant topics.

With the ambition to create strong connections and synergies between young and experienced researchers, the 2012 YCPR Forum will be immediately followed by the 3rd Annual ENCATC Research Session organised as part of the 20th ENCATC Annual Conference “Networked Culture”. The YCPR Forum will close with the Cultural Policy Research Award Ceremony to be held during the official opening reception of the 20th ENCATC Annual Conference on the evening of Wednesday, September 12th.

The YCPR Forum is an initiative developed by the European Cultural Foundation, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, and ENCATC, as part of a larger collaborative project involving the Cultural Policy Research Award (CPRA) and the Online Young Researchers Forum, on ECF labs, a new participatory online tool in cultural policy research.

The European Cultural Foundation (ECF), ENCATC and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond